Rules and Regulations (archived 2021)

Washington State Horse Park 


The Washington State Horse Park Authority strives to operate the Horse Park in a safe,  sustainable manner; to provide a healthy environment for recreation and enjoyment, and to  preserve the natural beauty of the setting to the fullest extent possible.  


1) Obey all permanent and temporary signs posted by the Horse Park. 

2) Prior to unloading, visitors bringing a horse onto the property are to immediately register using the master registration form either at the Visitors Registration kiosk or on line at which includes signing the liability release and paying relevant fees.  3) Keep all vehicle wheels on gravel; do not park on grass or in woods.  

4) Be aware that wildlife may be present in and around the Park: be prepared for sudden  interactions, keep dogs on leash, carry your cell phone, etc. 

5) Dogs must be on leash and under control at all times to protect people, horses and other  animals; in addition, barking, aggression and destructive behavior of dogs is not allowed. 6) Serious fire hazards!! 

  1. Only propane-fueled fires are allowed at any time, and only on gravel or bare dirt  surfaces at least 8 feet from the nearest vegetation in RV and parking areas. No  charcoal, wood or other cinder- producing fire materials allowed at any time. 
  2. No smoking near vegetation of any kind, near stalls, arenas, or in any building. All  smoking material is to be fully extinguished and disposed in nonflammable  containers, not in trash cans.  

7) Any person riding or driving a horse should wear protective head gear. Any adult choosing  not to do so, or parent of a child who allows their child to ride/drive without protective head  gear, assumes all risks which may result from their decision, including injury or death. 

8) Anyone jumping obstacles is required to wear protective headgear and shoes with a heel;  those jumping outside of an arena must wear a safety vest. Anyone jumping any man-made  cross-country obstacle must be supervised by a professional trainer with proper insurance  certificates (see cross country procedures at registration kiosk or on the Park’s website). 

9) Consumption of alcohol is strictly prohibited while mounted, and no one impaired by any  substance will be permitted to ride or be present around stabling, competition or recreational  areas.  

10) Do not alter arena footing or any property without express permission from Park  management. 


11) No horses in RV spaces #2-15 or in wooded tent camping area 

12) Horses may not be tied to trailers or other structures unattended. 

13) All horses on the property overnight must be kept in a stall (one horse per stall) with bedding  and water. 

14) Do not tie horses to trees 

15) No turn out in arenas 

16) Lunge in designated areas by the stalls; no lunging in arenas without prior approval of Horse  Park management.


17) Stay on designated pathways and trails; do not forge new paths or disturb the undeveloped  ground and vegetation that comprise the Horse Park’s fragile woodland ecosystem.  18) No motorized vehicles or horse-drawn carriages on trails, including dirt roads, except as  authorized by Park management. 

19) Be aware that wildlife may be present in and around the Park: be prepared for sudden  interactions, keep dogs on leash, carry your cell phone on trails, etc. 

20) Although not required, it’s a good idea to take a powered-up cell phone with you on the  trails. 


21) All vehicles (including cars, trucks, trailers, vans, motor homes, RVs and golf carts) must be  parked in designated areas and not on or in vegetation.  

22) Any vehicle parked in numbered RV spaces supplied with utility services is required to pay  for a hook-up space, whether plugged into utilities or not.  

23) Only licensed persons may operate a motorized vehicle on Horse Park grounds. 


24) All users of the Horse Park and its facilities understand and acknowledge being informed  that during the COVID-19 pandemic emergency, the Horse Park will comply with all  regulations imposed by the State of Washington Department of Health and/or the Kittitas  County Department of Health. These regulations may require Horse Park users to refrain  from certain activities within the Horse Park. Each user of the Horse Park facilities agrees to  comply with such rules and regulations implemented to prevent the spread of COVID-19. If  a user is not complying, he/she agrees to leave the Horse Park property at the request of the  Horse Park.  

25) All users of the Horse Park agree they will cease using its facilities and will leave the  property if any of the following occur: 

  1. The user feels sick with fever, cough or difficulty breathing. 
  2. The user has been exposed to a person with a confirmed COVID-19 case; then, in that  event, the Horse Park user will not return to the Horse Park or use its facilities until  the user has self-isolated for a minimum of 14 days consistent with applicable health  department guidelines. 
  3. The Kittitas County Public Health Department has required the Horse Park user to  self-quarantine. 

26) Each Horse Park user agrees to do the following while at the Horse Park and using its  facilities: 

  1. Maintain at least a 6-foot distance from other people. 
  2. Wash hands with soap and water or use hand sanitizer after visits to high-traffic areas  or upon leaving and returning to the Horse Park. 
  3. Not touch their eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.  
  4. Not shake hands with anyone. 
  5. Not share with anyone tack or horse equipment without sanitizing. 
  6. Use their sleeve to cover their mouth/nose when coughing or sneezing. g. To cover their mouth and nose with some type of mask, bandana or handkerchief  when around others while at the Horse Park.

27) All Horse Park users agree to leave the property upon any of the following occurring: a. A user shows signs of COVID-19 (fever, cough, or trouble breathing). 28) An employee requests the user to leave the property because of a violation of these  COVID-19 Pandemic Rules. 


29) Call 911 immediately in the event of an emergency. Other emergency contact information  may be posted at/near the Office. 

30) The Horse Park must be made aware of any accident or injury requiring emergency medical  treatment as soon as practical after qualified medical assistance is contacted.  31) Obey any directives pursuant to an Emergency Evacuation or Containment Plan, or Bio  Security Plan, as directed by Park management and local officials. 

32) The Horse Park reserves the right to establish areas where alcohol and other mind-altering  substances may and may not be consumed, and the right to remove from the Horse Park any  visitor if, in the sole judgment of the Horse Park, the individual is unable or unwilling to  follow the rules and regulations established by the Horse Park and/or creates a disturbance or  unsafe circumstances for themselves, other visitors and/or their horses. 

33) If hazardous conditions occur, (e.g., lightning, heavy rain, ice, heavy wind, etc.) Horse Park  has the right to postpone or cancel any activity or event. 

34) Horse Park reserves the right to require immediate removal of a horse to an isolated location  at owner’s expense if a horse is deemed by a licensed veterinarian to have, or be a carrier of,  an infectious disease. 

35) Horse Park may remove dangerous, disruptive or unlawful persons from Horse Park property  or vehicles improperly parked, request the assistance of law enforcement officers in removal  of such persons or vehicles and to resolve other problematic situations, and request the  assistance of emergency medical personnel, veterinarians or law enforcement officers to  address any issues that come to the attention of the Horse Park 

The Horse Park will take whatever action is necessary to enforce these Rules and  Regulations, which may include towing of offending vehicle(s), fines and/or restrictions on  future use of the Horse Park. 

The Washington State Equine Limitation of Liability Act, RCW4.24, applies to all horse related activities associated with the Horse Park. Horses by their very nature present a  risk of injury, harm or death. Riders represent that they are qualified to participate in the  activities and at the levels they elect. All horses on the property participate entirely at the  owner’s and rider’s risk and are in their care and custody while at the Park, including  transportation in case of an emergency. The owner/rider is personally responsible for  damages to third parties caused by themselves or their horse.