Craig Cameron Horsemanship Clinic - 2023
September 22-24, 2023
Welcome to the Horse Park! We are thrilled to again have Craig Cameron return to share his insights and skills in a three-day clinic. Participation is limited to 15 riders to assure individual attention, so don’t delay in completing your online registration below.
We have tried to provide information to explain the facilities and what each reservation covers and how to make it. If you have additional questions, please contact us at registration@wahorsepark.org. Note that Membership discounts do not apply to events. The total clinic registration fee is $750 which covers three full days of group discussion and riding instruction, including arena and trail exercises. Your registration fee will be paid in two non-refundable deposits: $375 due now to secure your spot and the remaining $375 by August 31.
All event attendees are responsible for understanding and adhering to the Park's Rules and Regulations. Click here to review or print a copy.
Please note the following when participating in events at the WSHP:
- WSHP Membership discounts do not apply to events.
- If you are coming to the Park for an event, be aware that some registrations are taken directly by the organizer while others are taken on this website. You must register through the event and pay the applicable event fees. See EVENT REGISTRATION & INFORMATION below for details on this event.
- All event attendees are responsible for understanding and adhering to the Park's Rules and Regulations. Click here to review or print a copy.
- Click here for the online registration process and cancellation policy.
- All participants or users of the Park must sign a waiver before using the facilities.
You can also copy the link below and send it to others in your group.
Please also make your reservations for the clinic and for WSHP facility use during the clinic - SCROLL DOWN TO MAKE YOUR SELECTION(S)
In addition to any registration for an event hosted at the Park, participants must purchase/pay for the following:
- Haul in fee - $15 per horse/per day (This applies to anyone using the facilities and not staying overnight)
- Overnight accommodations: RV Hook-up - $45 per night or Dry camping - $10 per night
- Stall - $30 per horse/per night (This is REQUIRED for any overnight stay. No Haul-In fee is required when reserving a stall)
- Shavings - $12 per bag (One bag of shavings is included with your stall rental. Additional bags of shavings can be purchased online or onsite and picked up from the office or event host)
- 4-Hour Holding Stall - $10 Temporary daytime use of a stall for up to 4 hours. Shavings are not included and you must clean your stall upon leaving.
- Stall Cleaning - $25 If you know you will not be able to thoroughly clean your stall, please add this item.
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